Today is the 50th anniversary of a very great event for the general populace of this nation. Whereas the plight of the Negro population of this country may be somewhat less oppressive, at least in the bowels of what was considered then to be the centers of that oppression, the fact is that the separation of the people has never, not even then, been more dramatic nor more unjust. Though the racial separation may not be as dramatic, the separation of a privileged few vs the masses in the USA is far greater than 50 years ago! Who now stands as the Martin Luther King of our age of possibly even greater economic and political injustice?
Retirement from the VA leaves me with the time to try my hand at blogging. Expect posts on my interests, singing, cycling, gardening and nifty new technology, maybe an occasional political rant or 2.
Bass on Bass
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
50 years later: the "Dream" yet unfulfilled?
Today is the 50th anniversary of a very great event for the general populace of this nation. Whereas the plight of the Negro population of this country may be somewhat less oppressive, at least in the bowels of what was considered then to be the centers of that oppression, the fact is that the separation of the people has never, not even then, been more dramatic nor more unjust. Though the racial separation may not be as dramatic, the separation of a privileged few vs the masses in the USA is far greater than 50 years ago! Who now stands as the Martin Luther King of our age of possibly even greater economic and political injustice?
Saturday, August 24, 2013
The Killing of a "Survivor Elm"
It's called Dutch Elm Disease here in the U.S. because "The disease was first reported in the United States in 1928, with the beetles believed to have arrived in a shipment of logs from The Netherlands destined for use as veneer in the Ohio furniture industry." The disease peaked in our Chicago area around 1960 so most of "our" survivors are 60+ years old.
The one dying on the parkway of my home here in La Grange Park IL, a suburb of Chicago, is probably in the 80-90 years old range. It's that magnificent specimen of the species at the center of the picture above, taken in May of 2011. This is all about that tree and what has happened to it since that photo was taken. Here it is today in the picture below, clearly dying.
As soon as the white X appeared on the street side of it's main trunk that same May of 2011, I began to investigate what the reasoning was for such an obviously healthy and valuable tree being marked for removal. In that spring and the previous fall it had survived, virtually unscathed, through some of the most violent weather we had experienced since moving to our house ~30 years earlier.
I contacted the Village about it and the Director of Public Works, the person who "marked it for death" came out to talk to me about it. His reasoning was that the "wound" shown below, that had survived the fore mentioned remarkably severe weather and he viewed as a beginning split, was likely to fail in a storm and be a Village liability risk per possible damages to property or persons under it in such an event and they had to avoid that risk.
That wound was in fact the not yet completely closed over wound inflicted by some vandal a decade and a half earlier. That vandal had used something to rip off about a 1" wide strip of bark from that crotch to the ground as well as another strip from about that height to ground on the side facing the house. He or she had also done similar damage to the Norfolk Pine that used to stand tall in the middle of our front yard. The pine had died and been removed by us years earlier.
Almost immediately I began a campaign to save the tree. In the process came across the then US Forest Service run program to identify, map, clone and propagate "Survivor Elm" trees for the preservation of the arboreal heritage and environmental health of our nation. I registered it but never managed to catch, remove and send the budding stage cuttings from it they were using to clone them.
I also began a series of contacts with the Village and got a local paper's reporter to do a piece on the whole business including some info about the Survivor Elm project. The article made page 2 of the paper and included the picture of 3 generations of "The von Rentzell boys" shown below.
I contacted and got an evaluation from a professional arborist of my own and got the Village to have their arborist to take a second look at the "problem". I had also investigated by observation and come up with a trimming plan to relieve specific torsion from exposure to the dominant winds from summer storms when it's fully leafed out limbs would be most affected by them and which would be the likeliest source of any such "failure" of the crotch involved. See the picture below of that plan which I e-mailed to the Public Works director and Village manager as well as that reporter.
The "PLAN"
The "plan" didn't fly with the Village but all that effort I put forth plus the publicity did convince them not to take the whole tree. They did, however, insist on removal of the whole portion of the tree pointed over the street. I agreed to accept that which appears now to have been contributory to the tree's demise. Here it is after the major sub-trunk removal by the Village's tree service.
The Village's SURGERY results
Obviously, the amount of the tree's live tissue removal was HUGE. 2012 brought a severe, nearly endless mid-summer heat wave. The combination of the 2 factors left the tree severely stressed and vulnerable to infestation, hence it's current, DOOMED to removal state.
Friday, August 9, 2013
My Coffee: Prescribed by Dr. "Kona Joe" Alban
Well, it seems to be a "coffee" kind of morning. Lower G.I. thunderstorms are 24 hrs past and I can again enjoy a good "cup of joe". It is as of yet not "Kona Joe" though. The simple fact is that the Kona coast is home to a host of coffee farms that grow some of the best coffee beans in the world.
"Kona Joe" is grown in a unique style by a practicing Orthopedic surgeon from a family known for producing some excellent wines in California.
He appreciated the potential in using growing methods very similar to that of grape vines as nobody else had ever. Increased yield volume and quality resulted. It is VERY appealing to my techie / gardener mindset.
As one might expect from a blog by an orthopedic surgeon who just happens to run a coffee farm in a region known for some of the best coffee in the world, I found a post on the positive effects of coffee drinking on long term mental health, specifically reduction in the odds of contacting Alzheimer's Disease.
Now I need to find somewhere around here to purchase "Dr Alban's finest". Ofcourse I could make trips to "the Big Island" a yearly routine....Not likely.
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